
Dropbox disables old shared document links to prevent unauthorized access


                On 5th May 2014, Dropbox disabled old shared documents link to prevent unauthorized access to files. Before this change anyone can access shared file point to point using link. It may be possible that this link can have by only known users but when it went in unknown hands then it became serious security question.

                “The company said in a blog post Monday. Contacted for this article, the company declined to say how it had resolved the issue. They also implied that this problem affects another online storage box.net. How those links of documents came to be used as search terms will be no rules to anyone who has ever pasted a URL into the search box of their browser instead of the address box. Alongside the search results for that URL, the search engine also returns ads.

                User can also re-enable these links but please keep in mind that re-enabling these links will reintroduce the vulnerability. Here is some instructions to re-enable these links.

Steps to remove an existing links
                    1Sign in to drop box website.
            2Browse or search for the file or folder you'd like to share.
            3Right-click on the file or folder in the list and select Share link from the pop-up menu.
            4Fill out information as needed to send the link to your recipients.

Steps to create new links
            1. Sign in to drop box website.
            2. Browse or search for the file or folder you'd like to share.
            3. Right-click on the file or folder in the list and select Share link from the pop-up menu.
            4. Fill out information as needed to send the link to your recipients.

To send out a shared link to more people later, simply right-click on the file or folder again and select Share link from the pop-up menu.


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