Today symfony gained a huge popularity in market and one of the best framework used by Developers.
Symfony 2.3.11 is recently Released and it fixed so many
bugs. Here is some change logs of Symfony2.3.x where `x` specifies child
version on Symfony 2.3 released by to Mr.jabpot at github .
Today symfony gained a huge
popularity in market and one of the best framework used by Developers.
Symfony 2.3.11 is recently Released
and it fixed so many bugs. Here is some change logs of Symfony2.3.x where `x`
specifies child version on Symfony 2.3 released by to Mr.jabpot at github .
Today symfony gained a huge
popularity in market and one of the best framework used by Developers.
Symfony 2.3.11 is recently Released
and it fixed so many bugs. Here is some change logs of Symfony2.3.x where `x`
specifies child version on Symfony 2.3 released by to Mr.jabpot at github .
Today symfony gained a huge
popularity in market and one of the best framework used by Developers.
Symfony 2.3.11 is recently Released
and it fixed so many bugs. Here is some change logs of Symfony2.3.x where `x`
specifies child version on Symfony 2.3 released by to Mr.jabpot at github .
2.3.11 (2014-02-27)
Ø bug #10146 [WebProfilerBundle] fixed
parsing Mongo DSN and added Test for it (malarzm)
Ø bug #10299 Finder is
also a valid delimiter (WouterJ)
Ø bug #10255 [FrameworkBundle] Fixed
wrong redirect url if path contains some query parameters (pulzarraider)
Ø bug #10285 Bypass sigchild detection
if phpinfo is not available (Seldaek)
Ø bug #10269 [Form] Revert "Fix
"Array was modified outside object" in ResizeFormListener."
Ø bug #10231 [Console] removed
problematic regex (fabpot)
Ø bug #10245 [DomCrawler] Added support
for tags to be treated as links (shamess)
Ø bug #10232 [Form] Fix "Array was
modified outside object" in ResizeFormListener. (Chekote)
Ø bug #10215 [Routing] reduced recursion
in dumper (arnaud-lb)
Ø bug #10207 [DomCrawler] Fixed
filterXPath() chaining (robbertkl)
Ø bug #10205 [DomCrawler] Fixed incorrect
handling of image inputs (robbertkl)
Ø bug #10191 [HttpKernel] fixed wrong
reference in TraceableEventDispatcher (fabpot)
Ø bug #10195 [Debug] Fixed recursion
level incrementing in FlattenException::flattenArgs(). (sun)
Ø bug #10151 [Form] Update DateTime
objects only if the actual value has changed (peterrehm)
Ø bug #10140 allow the TextAreaFormField
to be used with valid/invalid HTML (dawehner)
Ø bug #10131 added lines to exceptions
for the trans and transchoice tags (fabpot)
Ø bug #10119 [Validator] Minor fix in
XmlFileLoader (florianv)
Ø bug #10078 [BrowserKit] add
non-standard port to HTTP_HOST server param (kbond)
Ø bug #10091 [Translation] Update
PluralizationRules.php (guilhermeblanco)
Ø bug #10053 [Form] fixed allow render 0
numeric input value (dczech)
Ø bug #10033 [HttpKernel] Bugfix -
Logger Deprecation Notice (Rican7)
Ø bug #10023 [FrameworkBundle] Thrown an
HttpException instead returning a Response in
RedirectController::redirectAction() (jakzal)
Ø bug #9985 Prevent WDT from creating a
session (mvrhov)
Ø bug #10000 [Console] Fixed the
compatibility with HHVM (stof)
Ø bug #9979 [Doctrine Bridge][Validator]
Fix for null values in assosiated properties when using UniqueEntityValidator
Ø bug #9983 [TwigBridge] Update min.
version of Twig (stloyd)
Ø bug #9970 [CssSelector] fixed numeric
attribute issue (jfsimon)
Ø bug #9747 [DoctrineBridge] Fix: Add
type detection. Needed by pdo_dblib (iamluc)
Ø bug #9962 [Process] Fix #9861 : Revert
TTY mode (romainneutron)
Ø bug #9960 [Form] Update minimal
requirement in composer.json (stloyd)
Ø bug #9952 [Translator] Fix Empty
translations with Qt files (vlefort)
Ø bug #9948 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed
profiler toolbar icons for XHTML. (rafalwrzeszcz)
Ø bug #9933 Propel1 exception message
Ø bug #9949 [BrowserKit] Throw exception
on invalid cookie expiration timestamp (anlutro)
bug #9938 [Process] Add support SAPI
cli-server (peter-gribanov)
bug #9940 [EventDispatcher] Fix
hardcoded listenerTag name in error message (lemoinem)
bug #9908 [HttpFoundation] Throw
proper exception when invalid data is passed to JsonResponse class (stloyd)
bug #9902 [Security] fixed pre/post
authentication checks (fabpot)
bug #9899 [Filesystem | WCM] 9339 fix
stat on url for filesystem copy (cordoval)
bug #9589 [DependencyInjection] Fixed
#9020 - Added support for collections in service#parameters (lavoiesl)
bug #9889 [Console] fixed column width
when using the Table helper with some decoration in cells (fabpot)
bug #9323 [DomCrawler]fix #9321
Crawler::addHtmlContent add gbk encoding support (bronze1man)
bug #8997 [Security] Fixed problem
with losing ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN role. (pawaclawczyk)
bug #9557 [DoctrineBridge] Fix for
cache-key conflict when having a \Traversable as choices (DRvanR)
bug #9879 [Security] Fix
ExceptionListener to catch correctly AccessDeniedException if is not first
exception (fabpot)
bug #9885 [Dependencyinjection] Fixed
handling of inlined references in the AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass (fabpot)
bug #9884 [DomCrawler] Fixed creating
form objects from named form nodes (jakzal)
bug #9882 Add support for HHVM in the
getting of the PHP executable (fabpot)
bug #9850 [Validator] Fixed IBAN
validator with 0750447346 value (stewe)
bug #9865 [Validator] Fixes message
value for objects (jongotlin)
bug #9441
[Form][DateTimeToArrayTransformer] Check for hour, minute & second
validity (egeloen)
bug #9867 #9866 [Filesystem] Fixed
mirror for symlinks (COil)
bug #9806 [Security] Fix parent
serialization of user object (ddeboer)
bug #9834 [DependencyInjection] Fixed
support for backslashes in service ids. (jakzal)
bug #9826 fix #9356 [Security] Logger
should manipulate the user reloaded from provider (matthieuauger)
bug #9769 [BrowserKit] fixes #8311
CookieJar is totally ignorant of RFC 6265 edge cases (jzawadzki)
bug #9697 [Config] fix 5528 let
ArrayNode::normalizeValue respect order of value array provided (cordoval)
bug #9701 [Config] fix #7243 allow 0
as arraynode name (cordoval)
bug #9795 [Form] Fixed issue in
BaseDateTimeTransformer when invalid timezone cause Trans... (tyomo4ka)
bug #9714 [HttpFoundation]
BinaryFileResponse should also return 416 or 200 on some range-requets
bug #9601 [Routing] Remove usage of
deprecated _scheme requirement (Danez)
bug #9489 [DependencyInjection] Add
normalization to tag options (WouterJ)
bug #9135 [Form] [Validator] fix
maxLength guesser (franek)
bug #9790 [Filesystem] Changed the
mode for a target file in copy() to be write only (jakzal)
bug #9758 [Console] fixed TableHelper
when cell value has new line (k-przybyszewski)
bug #9760 [Routing] Fix router
matching pattern against multiple hosts (karolsojko)
bug #9674 [Form] rename
to (craue)
bug #9722 [Validator]Fixed getting
wrong msg when value is an object in Exception (aitboudad)
bug #9750 allow
TraceableEventDispatcher to reuse event instance in nested events (evillemez)
bug #9718 [validator] throw an
exception if isn't an instance of ConstraintValidatorInterface. (aitboudad)
bug #9716 Reset the box model to
content-box in the web debug toolbar (stof)
bug #9711 [FrameworkBundle] Allowed
"0" as a checkbox value in php templates (jakzal)
bug #9665 [Bridge/Doctrine]
ORMQueryBuilderLoader - handled the scenario when no entity manager is passed
with closure query builder (jakzal)
bug #9656 [DoctrineBridge] normalized
class names in the ORM type guesser (fabpot)
bug #9647 use the correct class name
to retrieve mapped class' metadata and reposi... (xabbuh)
bug #9648 [Debug] ensured that a fatal
PHP error is actually fatal after being handled by our error handler (fabpot)
bug #9643 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed js
escaping in time.html.twig (hason)
bug #9641 [Debug] Avoid notice from
being "eaten" by fatal error. (fabpot)
bug #9639 Modified
guessDefaultEscapingStrategy to not escape txt templates (fabpot)
bug #9314 [Form] Fix DateType for
32bits computers. (WedgeSama)
bug #9443 [FrameworkBundle] Fixed the
registration of validation.xml file when the form is disabled (hason)
bug #9625 [HttpFoundation] Do not
return an empty session id if the session was closed (Taluu)
bug #9637 [Validator] Replaced
inexistent interface (jakzal)
bug #9605 Adjusting CacheClear Warmup
method to namespaced kernels (rdohms)
bug #9610 Container::camelize also
takes backslashes into consideration (ondrejmirtes)
bug #9447 [BrowserKit] fixed
protocol-relative url redirection (jong99)
bug #9535 No Entity Manager defined
exception (armetiz)
bug #9485 [Acl] Fix for issue #9433
bug #9516 [AclProvider] Fix incorrect
behavior when partial results returned from cache (superdav42)
bug #9352 [Intl] make currency bundle
merge fallback locales when accessing data, ... (shieldo)
bug #9537 [FrameworkBundle] Fix
mistake in translation's service definition. (phpmike)
bug #9367 [Process] Check if the pipe
array is empty before calling stream_select() (jfposton)
bug #9211 [Form] Fixed memory leak in
FormValidator (bschussek)
bug #9469 [Propel1] re-factor Propel1
ModelChoiceList (havvg)
bug #9499 Request::overrideGlobals()
may call invalid ini value (denkiryokuhatsuden)
bug #9420 [Console][ProgressHelper]
Fix ProgressHelper redraw when redrawFreq is greater than 1 (giosh94mhz)
bug #9212 [Validator] Force Luhn
Validator to only work with strings (Richtermeister)
bug #9476 Fixed bug with lazy services
bug #9431 [DependencyInjection] fixed
YamlDumper did not make services private. (realityking)
bug #9416 fixed issue with clone now
the children of the original form are preserved and the clone form is given new
children (yjv)
bug #9412 [HttpFoundation] added
content length header to BinaryFileResponse (kbond)
bug #9395 [HttpKernel] fixed memory
limit display in MemoryDataCollector (hhamon)
bug #9388 [Form] Fixed: The
"data" option is taken into account even if it is NULL (bschussek)
bug #9391 [Serializer] Fixed the error
handling when decoding invalid XML to avoid a Warning (stof)
bug #9378 [DomCrawler]
[HttpFoundation] Make Content-Type attributes identification
case-insensitive (matthieuprat)
bug #9354 [Process] Fix #9343 : revert
file handle usage on Windows platform (romainneutron)
bug #9334 [Form] Improved
FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form
name is empty (bschussek)
bug #9333 [Form] Improved
FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form
name is empty (bschussek)
bug #9338 [DoctrineBridge] Added type
check to prevent calling clear() on arrays (bschussek)
bug #9328 [Form] Changed
FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
bug #9327 [Form] Changed
FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
bug #9308 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened
CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept arrays (bschussek)
bug #9274 [Yaml] Fixed the escaping of
strings starting with a dash when dumping (stof)
bug #9270 [Templating] Fix in
ChainLoader.php (janschoenherr)
bug #9246 [Session] fixed wrong
started state (tecbot)
[Security] limited the password length
passed to encoders
bug #9259 [Process] Fix latest merge
from 2.2 in 2.3 (romainneutron)
bug #9237 [FrameworkBundle]
assets:install command should mirror .dotfiles (.htaccess) (FineWolf)
bug #9223 [Translator] PoFileDumper -
PO headers (Padam87)
bug #9257 [Process] Fix 9182 : random
failure on pipes tests (romainneutron)
bug #9222 [Bridge]
[Propel1] Fixed guessed relations (ClementGautier)
bug #9214 [FramworkBundle] Check event
listener services are not abstract (lyrixx)
bug #9207 [HttpKernel] Check for lock
existence before unlinking (ollietb)
bug #9184 Fixed cache warmup of paths
which contain back-slashes (fabpot)
bug #9192 [Form] remove MinCount and
MaxCount constraints in ValidatorTypeGuesser (franek)
bug #9190 Fix: duplicate usage of
Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response (realsim)
bug #9188 [Form] add support for
Length and Range constraint in ValidatorTypeGuesser (franek)
bug #8809 [Form] enforce correct
timezone (Burgov)
bug #9169 Fixed client insulation when
using the terminable event (fabpot)
bug #9154 Fix problem with Windows
file links (backslash in JavaScript string) (fabpot)
bug #9153 [DependencyInjection]
Prevented inlining of lazy loaded private service definitions (jakzal)
bug #9103 [HttpFoundation]
Header HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO can contain various values (stloyd)
8980954: bugix: CookieJar returns
cookies with domain "" for domain ""
bb59ac2: fixed HTML5 form attribute
handling XPath query
3108c71: [Locale] added support for
the position argument to NumberFormatter::parse()
0774c79: [Locale] added some more
stubs for the number formatter
e5282e8: [DomCrawler]Crawler guess
charset from html
0e80d88: fixes RequestDataCollector
bug, visible when used on Drupal8
c8d0342: [Console] fixed exception
rendering when nested styles
a47d663: [Console] fixed the formatter
for single-char tags
c6c35b3: [Console] Escape exception
message during the rendering of an exception
04e730e: [DomCrawler] fixed HTML5 form
attribute handling
0e437c5: [BrowserKit] Fixed the
handling of parameters when redirecting
d84df4c: [Process] Properly close
pipes after a Process::stop call
b3ae29d: fixed bytes conversion when
used on 32-bits systems
a273e79: [Form] Fixed:
"required" attribute is not added to tag if no empty value
958ec09: NativeSessionStorage
0d6af5c: Use setTimeZone if this
method exists.
42019f6: [Console] Fixed argument
parsing when a single dash is passed.
097b376: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed
toolbar for IE8 (refs #8380)
4f5b8f0: [HttpFoundation] tried to
keep the original Request URI as much as possible to avoid different behavior
between ::createFromGlobals() and ::create()
4c1dbc7: [TwigBridge] fixed form
rendering when used in a template with dynamic inheritance
8444339: [HttpKernel] added a check
for private event listeners/subscribers
427ee19: [FrameworkBundle] fixed
registration of the register listener pass
ce7de37: [DependencyInjection] fixed a
non-detected circular reference in PhpDumper (closes #8425)
37102dc: [Process] Close unix pipes
before calling proc_close to avoid a deadlock
8c2a733: [HttpFoundation] fixed format
duplication in Request
1e75cf9: [Process] Fix #8970 : read
output once the process is finished, enable pipe tests on Windows
9542d72: [Form] Fixed expanded choice
field to be marked invalid when unknown choices are submitted
72b8807: [Form] Fixed
ChoiceList::get*By*() methods to preserve order and array keys
b65a515: [Form] Fixed
FormValidator::findClickedButton() not to be called exponentially
49f5027: [HttpKernel] fixer HInclude
src (closes #8951)
c567262: Fixed escaping of service
identifiers in configuration
4a76c76: [Process][2.2] Fix Process
component on windows
65814ba: Request->getPort()
should prefer HTTP_HOST over SERVER_PORT
e75d284: Fixing broken http auth
digest in some circumstances (php-fpm + apache).
970405f: fixed some circular
899f176: [Security] fixed a leak in
2fd8a7a: [Security] fixed a leak in
the ContextListener
6362fa4: Button missing
getErrorsAsString() fixes #8084 Debug: Not calling undefined method anymore. If
the form contained a submit button the call would fail and the debug of the
form wasn't possible. Now it will work in all cases. This fixes #8084
e4b3039: Use isset() instead of
array_key_exists() in DIC
2d34e78: [BrowserKit] fixed
method/files/content when redirecting a request
64e1655: [BrowserKit] removed some
headers when redirecting a request
96a4b00: [BrowserKit] fixed headers
when redirecting if history is set to false (refs #8697)
c931eb7: [HttpKernel] fixed route
parameters storage in the Request data collector (closes #8867)
96bb731: optimized circular reference
39b610d: Clear lazy loading
initializer after the service is successfully initialized
91234cd: [HttpKernel] changed fragment
URLs to be relative by default (closes #8458)
4922a80: [FrameworkBundle] added
support for double-quoted strings in the extractor (closes #8797)
52d8676: [Intl] made RegionBundle and
LanguageBundle merge fallback data when using a country-specific locale
0d07af8: [BrowserKit] Pass headers
when followRedirect() is
d400b5a: Return BC compatibility for @Route parameters
and default values
f936b41: clearToken exception is
thrown at wrong place.
ea480bd: [Form] Fixed Form::all()
signature for PHP 5.3.3
e1f40f2: [Locale] Fixed:
Locale::setDefault() throws no exception when "en" is passed
d0faf55: [Locale] Fixed:
StubLocale::setDefault() throws no exception when "en" is passed
566d79c: [Yaml] fixed embedded folded
string parsing
33b0a17: [Validator] fixed Boolean
handling in XML constraint mappings (closes #5603)
0951b8d: [Translation] Fixed
regression: When only one rule is passed to transChoice(), this rule should be
4563f1b: [Yaml] Fix comment containing
a colon on a scalar line being parsed as a hash.
7e87eb1: fixed request format when
forwarding a request
07d14e5: [Form] Removed exception in
Button::setData(): setData() is now always called for all elements in the form
tree during the initialization of the tree
ccaaedf: [Form]
PropertyPathMapper::mapDataToForms() always calls setData() on
every child to ensure that all *_DATA events were fired when the initialization
phase is over (except for virtual forms)
00bc270: [Form] Fixed: submit() reacts
to dynamic modifications of the form children
c4636e1: added a functional test for
locale handling in sub-requests
05fdb12: Fixed issue #6932 -
Inconsistent locale handling in subrequests
b3c3159: fixed locale of sub-requests
when explicitely set by the developer (refs #8821)
9bb7a3d: fixed request format of
sub-requests when explicitely set by the developer (closes #8787)
fa35597: Sets _format attribute only
if it wasn't set previously by the user.
f946108: fixed the format of the
request used to render an exception
51022c3: Fix typo in the check_path
5f7219e: added a missing use statement
(closes #8808)
262879d: fix for
0723c10: [Process] Use a consistent
way to reset data of the process latest run
85a9c9d: [HttpFoundation] Fixed
removing a nonexisting namespaced attribute.
191d320: [Validation] Fixed
IdentityTranslator to pass correct Locale to MessageSelector
c6ecd83: SwiftMailerHandler in Monolog
bridge now able to react to kernel.terminate event
99adcf1: {HttpFoundation] [Session]
fixed session compatibility with memcached/redis session storage
ab9a96b: Fixes for hasParameterOption
and getParameterOption methods of ArgvInput
dbd0855: Added sleep() workaround for
windows php rename bug
c342715: [Form] Fixed: Added
"validation_groups" option to submit button
fa01e6b: [Process] Fix for #8754
(Timed-out processes are successful)
909fab6: [Process] Fix #8742 :
Signal-terminated processes are not successful
fa769a2: [Process] Add more precision
to Process::stop timeout
3ef517b: [Process] Fix #8739
572ba68: [TwigBridge] removed
superflous ; when rendering form_enctype() (closes #8660)
18896d5a: [Validator] fixed the wrong
isAbstract() check against the class (fixed #8589)
e8e76ec: [TwigBridge] Prevent code
extension to display warning
96aec0f: Fix internal sub-request
6ed0fdf: [Form] Moved auto_initialize
option to the BaseType
e47657d: Make sure
ContextErrorException is loaded during compile time errors
98f6969: Fix empty process argument
escaping on Windows
1a73b44: added missing support for the
new output API in PHP 5.4+
e0c7d3d: Fixed bug introduced in #8675
0b965fb: made the filesystem loader
compatible with Twig 2.0
8fa0453: [Intl] Updated stubs to
reflect ICU 51.2
322f880: replaced deprecated Twig
48338fc: Ignore null value in
comparison validators
c35cc5b: added trusted hosts check
6d555bc: Fixed metadata serialization
cd51d82: [Form] fixed wrong call to
setTimeZone() (closes #8644)
5c359a8: Fix issue with \DateTimeZone::UTC
/ 'UTC' for PHP 5.4
85330a6: [Form] Fixed patched forms to
be valid even if children are not submitted
cb5e765: [Form] Fixed: If a form is
not present in a request, it is not automatically submitted
97cbb19: [Form] Removed the "disabled"
attribute from the placeholder option in select fields due to problems with the
BlackBerry 10 browser
c138304: [routing] added ability for
apache matcher to handle array values
1bd45b3: [FrameworkBundle] fixed
regression where the command might have the wrong container if the application
is reused several times
b41cf82: [Validator] fixed
StaticMethodLoader trying to invoke methods of abstract classes (closes #8589)
e5fba3c: [Form] fixes empty
file-inputs get treated as extra field
3553c71: return 0 if there is no valid
50d0727: [DependencyInjection] fixed
regression where setting a service to null did not trigger a re-creation of the
service when getting it
dc1fff0: The ignoreAttributes itself
should be ignored, too.
ae7fa11: [Twig] fixed
TwigEngine::exists() method when a template contains a syntax error (closes
28e0709: [Validator] fixed
ConstraintViolation:: incorrect when nested
890934d: handle Optional and Required
constraints from XML or YAML sources correctly
a2eca45: Fixed #8455:
PhpExecutableFinder::find() does not always return the correct binary
485d53a: [DependencyInjection] Fix
Container::camelize to convert beginning and ending chars
2317443: [Security] fixed issue where
authentication listeners clear unrelated tokens
2ebb783: fix issue #8499
modelChoiceList call getPrimaryKey on a non object
242b318: [DependencyInjection] Add
exception for service name not dumpable in PHP
d3eb9b7: [Validator] Fixed groups
argument misplace for validateValue method from validator class
bb59f40: Reverts JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK
9c5f8c6: [Yaml] removed wrong comment
removal inside a string block
2dc1ee0: [HtppKernel] fixed inline
fragment renderer
06b69b8: fixed inline fragment
91bb757: ProgressHelper shows
percentage complete.
9d1004b: fix handling of a default
'template' as a string
82dbaee: [HttpKernel] fixed the inline
renderer when passing objects as attributes (closes #7124)
8bb4e4d: [DI] Fixed bug requesting non
existing service from dumped frozen container
6dbd1e1: [WebProfiler] fix
content-type parameter
a830001: Passed the config when
building the Configuration in ConfigurableExtension
c875d0a: [Form] fixed INF usage which
does not work on Solaris (closes #8246)
ab1439e: [Console] Fixed the table
rendering with multi-byte strings.
c0da3ae: [Process] Disable exception
on stream_select timeout
77f2aa8: [HttpFoundation] fixed issue
with session_regenerate_id (closes #7380)
bcbbb28: Throw exception if value is
passed to VALUE_NONE input, long syntax
6b71513: fixed date type format
pattern regex
b5ded81: [Security] fixed usage of the
salt for the bcrypt encoder (refs #8210)
842f3fa: do not re-register commands
each time a Console\Application is run
0991cd0: [Process] moved env check to
the Process class (refs #8227)
8764944: fix issue where $_ENV
contains array vals
4139936: [DomCrawler] Fix handling
file:// without a host
e65723c: fix-progressbar-start
aa79393: also consider alias in
de289d2: [Form] corrected interface
bind() method defined against in deprecation notice
0c0a3e9: [Console] fixed regression
when calling a command foo:bar if there is another one like foo:bar:baz (closes
849f3ed: [Finder] Fix
SplFileInfo::getContents isn't working with ssh2 protocol
6d2135b: force the Content-Type to
html in the web profiler controllers
25e3abd: fix many-to-many Propel1
bce6bd2: [DomCrawler] Fixed a fatal
error when setting a value in a malformed field name.
e3561ce: [FrameworkBundle] Fixed
OutOfBoundException when session handler_id is null
81b122d: [DependencyInjection] Add
support for aliases of aliases + regression test
445b2e3: [Console] fix status code
when Exception::getCode returns something like 0.1
bbfde62: Fixed exit code for
exceptions with error code 0
d8c0ef7: [DependencyInjection] Rename
ContainerBuilder::$aliases to avoid conflicting with the parent class
bb797ee: [DependencyInjection] Remove
get*Alias*Service methods from compiled containers
379f5e0: [DependencyInjection] Fix
aliased access of shared services, fixes #8096
afad9c7: instantiate valid commands
2.3.0 (2013-06-03)
e93fc7a: [FrameworkBundle] set the
dispatcher in the console application
2038329: [Form] [Validator] Fixed
post_max_size = 0 bug (Issue #8065)
554ab9f: [Console] renamed
ConsoleForExceptionEvent into ConsoleExceptionEvent
fd151fd: [Security] Fixed the check if
an interface exists.
c8e5503: [FrameworkBundle] removed
HttpFoundation classes from HttpKernel cache
169c0b9: [Finder] Fix iteration fails
with non-rewindable streams
45b68e0: [Finder] Fix unexpected
duplicate sub path related AppendIterator issue
13ba4ea: fix logger in regards to
97b38ed: Added type of return value in
79a842a: [Console] Add namespace
support back in to list command
5321600: Fixed two bugs in HttpCache
435012f: [Config] Adding the previous
exception message into the FileLoaderLoadException so it's more easily seen
5c317b7: [Console] fix and refactor
exit code handling
1469953: [CssSelector] Fix
:nth-last-child() translation
2d9027d: [CssSelector] Fix
:nth-last-child() translation
91b8490: Fix Crawler::children() to
not trigger a notice for childless node
95f356b: remove check for PHP bug
8f54da7: [BrowserKit] should not
follow redirects if status code is not 30x
f41ac06: changed all version deps to
accepts all upcoming Symfony versions
a4e3ebf: [DomCrawler] Fixed the
Crawler::html() method for PHP versions earlier than 5.3.6.
3beaf52: [Security] Disabled the
BCryptPasswordEncoder tests for PHP versions lower than 5.3.7.
97bee20: Pass exceptions from the
ExceptionListener to Monolog
[HttpFoundation][File][UploadedFile] Fix guessClientExtension() method
a5441b2: Fixed parsing of leading
blank lines in folded scalars. Closes #7989.
e8d5d16: Fixed Loader import
bd0c48c: [Console] moved the IO
configuration to its own method
fdb4b1f: [Console] moved --help
support to allow proper behavior with other passed options
dd0e138: Eased translationNodeVisitor
overriding in TranslationExtension
853f681: fixed request scope issues
(refs #7457)
60edc58: Fixed fatal error in
78e3710: ProxyManager Bridge
41805c0: [Crawler] Add proper
validation of node argument of method add
7933971: [Form] Added radio button for
empty value to expanded single-choice fields
0586c7e: made some optimization when
parsing YAML files
1856df3: [Security] fixed wrong merge
(refs #4776)
5b7e1e6: added a missing check for the
provider key
f1c2ab7: [DependencyInjection] Add a
method map to avoid computing method names from service names
ea633f5: [HttpKernel] Avoid updating
the context if the request did not change
997d549: [HttpFoundation] Avoid a few
unnecessary str_replace() calls
f5e7f24: [HttpFoundation] Optimize
59b78c7: [Validator] Fixed: $traverse
and $deep is passed to the visitor from Validator::validate()
bcb5400: [Form] Fixed
transform()/reverseTransform() to always throw TransformationFailedExceptions
7b2ebbf: [Form] Fixed: String
validation groups are never interpreted as callbacks
0610750: if the repository method
returns an array ensure that it's internal poin...
dcced01: [Form] Improved multi-byte
handling of NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
90a20d7: [Translation] Made
translation domain defaults in Translator consistent with TranslatorInterface
549a308: [Form] Fixed CSRF error
messages to be translated and added "csrf_message" option
This changelog references
the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 2.3 minor versions.
To get the diff
for a specific change, go to where XXX is the
change hash To
get the diff between two versions, go to
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