This Example illustrates how number can be converted to money
format. Sometimes we must display number as currency and for this purpose PHP provides `money_format` function and
it works in indian format fine till ten thousand ( five digit numbers )but in
more than 5 digits, it fails for Indian Currency.
So, Here we will use user define function look like below.
function custom_format($n, $d = 0)
$n = number_format($n, $d, '.', '');
$n = strrev($n);
if ($d) $d++;
$d += 3;
if (strlen($n) > $d)
$n = substr($n, 0, $d) . ','
. implode(',', str_split(substr($n,
$d), 2));
return strrev($n);
// Call Function with number
echo custom_format(1234567890); // 1,23,45,67,890
echo custom_format(1234567890, 2); // 1,23,45,67,890.00
echo custom_format(1234567890.11); // 1,23,45,67,890
echo custom_format(1234567890.11, 2);
// 1,23,45,67,890.11
Here we create function `custom_format` with numeric argument. That’s it we got number in Currency format.
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